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Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Cry when you want to cry.
Don’t purposely hold in your sadness
I’ll embrace you so that you can smile again

When you’re tired, I’ll lend you my shoulder so that you can rest for a bit
I pray no tears in your dreams
I know you’ll fly high in your life

Although this world tries to look at you with a small view
I can confidently say you’re the only one

Find your broken dreams again. Don’t say that you can’t
I will help you to make that dream come true

When you feel like you can’t breathe, close your eyes for a bit and think about your future
I play no tears in your dreams
I know you’ll fly high in your life

Although this world tries to look at you with a small view
I can confidently say you’re the only one

Uh I’ll protect you and stay by your side as tears flow
Just rest without any worries in my embrace
The sadness formed in your eyes that won’t fall
In your dreams there are rough dark clouds that don’t show but
you smile. Don’t hold back your hurt anymore
Just throw it high into the sky. I want to go towards the end now
Open up the wings that were folded away. Take my hand

Don’t cry again
I play no tears in your dreams
I know you’ll fly high in your life

Although hearts that changed coldly may not know you,
who is cooler than anyone, stay by my side. You’re the only one

I play no tears in your dreams
I know you’ll fly high in your life

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


I remember that feeling from long ago when I looked at you
I remember that time when I knew you, you knew me
I think about those desperate times when I wanted to be like you, hang out with you
but it's merely a memort that has passed by

And, can you smile
You want this
You hope for this
I can't seem to have you with only my heart

And can you smile
I said to leave
I said I'm Okay
It seems like I can give nothing but this to you in the end

I remember long ago when I received your heart
I think of those times when you were overflowing me and I was thankful
We came across a farewell when we loved each other most, when we were at out happiest
I couldn't hold you back beacuse you were overflowing me, beacause I was sorry

And, can you smile
You want this,
You hope for this
I can't seem to have you with only my heart

And can u smile?
I said to leave
I said I'm okay
It seems like I can give nothing but this to you in the end

And still, still in the end, still I...
but probably in the end, I still...
And still, still, in the end, still I...
But in the end, I still...

But I was suffocating from those frequent words of yours
You say with rage that my way of talking and actions make you lose your words, that they make your anger rise
On this violent night, the stars light up the sky, the moon shines, and you go steadily down your path
Stars and the night are coming, they're covered only by other stars
The moon always stays there
I will always be here for you, want you

Monday, 14 November 2011

my NAme..keep changing..huhu

hi...actually tgh countdown utk hbis sem..hehe
saje je tlis entri ni sbb trlalu bosan..just want to share..
bout my name...
since i was small...
different people..different names they will give to me...
in family i used to be called...ya...
n kwan2 bdk skolah rndh pun pggil mcm 2..xpun mcya..
sdra or kazen pggil ira..
bila dh naik skolah mngh..brtukar lgii
naddy la pulakk..ak trime je..
n then tmbul pulak mc chah..
haish..mmg bykla nm pggln yg brlainan..huhu..
bila msuk IPG..igt dh xde nma glrn lain..just nk stay ngan naddy je..
timbul la pulak..ada yg pggil nad...
tutor ak pulak pggil ak dhira..mmg bykla sgktn yg dbuat..huhu
kalau lctrer SS nadhiha...ak pun plik..knpe dia suke pggil cmtu..
lctrer LDS plg ak suke..sbb pggil naddy je..huhu
n skrg...ada yg pggil ayam..sbb ak suka mkn ayam..hua2..xdop motif lgsung..
and i just wondering..bilala smua org hnya akn pggil ak dgn 1 nma tetap?huhuhuhu

and tonight movie time with my classmates!!!yeah!!

trying out syria...didn't match me well...just got too chubby face.ahahha

                                                          last hangout for sem 1..hehe

Monday, 17 October 2011

komawoyo chingu ahh~~~

actually ak traser sgtla boring..
xtau dh nk buat mende..dsbbkan prut yg trlalu sakit ni..dan prlu brulg alik ke tndas..
waa~~jgnla mlarat smpai esok..huhu
ada assgnment es..mlasnyer ak nak buat..
nasib baik 2 je assgnment yg tggl..huhu
dgn critical analysis nyer..ak mmg rjin nk buat bnda 2..
btapa ak xde idea nk buat bnda alah 2..smpai sggup tulis entry mlm2 buta ni..haha
actually lam entri ni..ak nk bgtau..sal kwn ak..yg ak bru knal hmpir 4 bln...
slama ni ak mncri2 kwan yg bleh brsma ak lam sng n ssah..
and she really helps me a lot..komawoyo!!
i really appreciate ur kindness..smpai mlm2 buta sggup nk dtg blik aku..
wpun ak just skit prut..kau slalu tny ak dh mkn ke blum..chat ke tak..n slalu je nk tlg ak lam siapkan homework ak,,wpun kau mmg ada byk krja..huhu
and part plg best..kau suka sgt bgi ak copy citer2 korea..nsib baik hdisk kau dh ok,kan..blehla ak truskan aktvti copy mgcopy 2..hahak
ak mmg trhru dpt kwn mcm dia..wpun ak xdela rpat sgt ngan dia..huhu..
tpi skrg..nmpknyer..kami dh brtmbh rpat..dsbbkan prshbtn GD kau n seungri ak kan?hahaa
thanks Anis Afifah!!*ak suka pggil kau emon..hihi..nanti bln 12 ni insyaalah ak g kuantan..xsbr nk g ronda2 ngan kau..wpun  kau drive mcm F1..hee~~~
got to off rite now!!nyte...

GD kau n SEUNGRI ak..hahak..

Thursday, 13 October 2011

i miss my weekend time in naim!!!!


today is a holiday..FRIDAY....
i will just write my post in malay this time...hehehe
kalau mcm thun lpas..hri jumaat gni..
ada usrah..ak msih igt kngan 2...
ahh~~ak kna thn air mata ni dlu,,,,be strong!!
msa 2 ak ngan kwn2 mrungut..xnk usrah..mcm2 la alsn xnk pegi..
qiamullail sma2..yg 2 ak plg igt..wpun prgi jrg2 je..
tpi bila jmpa geng kt msjd AN-NAIM...
gelakkan muka kwan2 sbb muka bru bgn tido...
lpas slat sbuh..smua tido..hahaha
tyme ustzh hachinah bgi tzkirah..cover la sket tido 2..haha
n..kalau tyme xgi qiamullail..
bgn kol 7.30 tu..kna hlau ngan exco2..hahak
pstu kalut2 gsok gigi..bsuh muka kt tndas..
yg pntim.bwk mkanan..tkt lpar tyme usrah...hua2
n kdg2 bwk buku..djdikan prhiasan.
bwk pun sbb exam mggu 2..kt cni...mna ada kngan cm gini..
msa usrah 2..smua gelisah nk balik..tkt mknan brekfast hbis..lcula..
dhla sgja dduk kt blkg...sng nk blik..brebut2 sapa smpai dlu kt dmas
brebut2 ambil mknan kt dmas..org sruh ambil 1 pggan..
bedal brbelas2 pggan,..
xckup mknan sbb knk2 gngster ni la..ghah..besoh.ida...aku tak..wt innocent kt c2 je..hua2
ngan exco2 pun wt g2..biras ak la 2..tkah..muahhaa
pastu..smua dh knyg,..turn nk cuci dorm pulak..mlas btl rser..tpi trpksa la..nk sruh dorm cntik ngan kemas..
kdg2 rmai je wt bdoh..tido dlu..pstu exco dtg mulala kalut buat2 kerje..
tkah 2..exco yg plg sempoi..tlg bgi plstik smpah je kijenyer..pstu g lepak kt dorm ak kjap..hahaha
kalau mlm2 weekend..kdg2 ghah suka je ajk ak tgk tv..tpi mlasla..brebut2 ngan org rmai..
takpun..pling2 borim..kitorg dk dpan klas 5UH,,pstu brgosip+mgumpat tntng org2 skelling..hua2..
dgn bdk2 5US yg brtriakan di ats..hahhaa
miss nyer ak kt klas yg brhdpan ngan lab komputer 2...
kdg2 mlm2 g prep kt blik prep bru 2..mulala mta rsa mgntuk..hua2..
tpi event msa thun lps byk jgk yg best2..
espcially tyme kitorg g utk kem kt pntai sri 7..mmg hepila.sbb bab2 kluar ni mmg sronok..
wpun ak trpksa tggl lam blik yg 5 stars..hahaha
xpnas lgsung dk dlm 2..tpi dgn geng2 sempoi..ghah,,qist,,farah,,mirah..hanan..ida
jdi hepi je ak dk dlm 2..hihi
lpas hbis kem kt skol
rushing g USM..kngan mnis d situ............
msih ak igt..ghah..nangis sbb trkjut ngan suara kuat abg izzaz..hahah
lcu2..nmpk je tough2 gtu..lmbut ddlam..wee~~~
msa xbleh diundur..ak hny bleh mgnang kngan ini...
thun lpas..smua org sbuk nk kluar skolah..borimla dk kt skol..
mmg..tyme 2.ak pun rsa mcm tu..tpi kwn2 yg brhrga ni.buatkan ak nk kmbli ke zman skolah..
ak xkisah..wpun kna pkai bju uniform lgi...tnpa hndset..n kna ikut prturan..
asalkan ak ada those precious friends...with me..
that will accompany me..be with me..during my hard times..
ak xtau..smpai bila kita akn ada msa utk trus kontek mcm ni..sbb ak tahu suatu msa nanti
smua org akan sibuk dgn urusan msing2...
korang mesti ingat..keep our friendship forever...
wpun skrg mmg smua org dh ada kwn bru..
ak rindu nk brgosip ngan sep mg..
study skli..pstu snap gmbr byk2..hehhee
hri sukan...korg brtgkus lumus kwad n so on..
dh xdpt tgk suasana mcm tu skrg.....
i'm totally sadddddddddddddddddddddddddd
tears keep rolling.......

be strong..
bcoz i'll always believe this words...
we'll always be friends,,,,,
the person i precious most!!!!

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.

It takes a long time to grow an old friend.

Friday, 7 October 2011

this feeling makes me heart!!gaseumi appa!!cheongmal!!!

it had been a long timeee...
i didn't upload this blog...
just want to share my feeling rite now..
i keep having this feeling...
to like sum1...
that will never like me...
what should i do??
keep being jealous...with sum1
that has sum1 that cares for her...
why i have to be around with people that have sum1 special with them???
GOD.....help me!!!
get rid of this feeling...i'm afraid,,,one day..
i can't endure this anymore....
that man.............
really hurts me...
its hurts to see sum1 dat u love..
cares and love for sum1 else..

he's really keep his faith to that girllllllllll
how jealous i am!!!
although that girl..didn't like him..
he still trying his best to be near with her...me??
just keep this feeling by myself...
argh~~~i don't want to like any1 after dis....................

and..it's more hurt 4 me...............i've to see him every time................
plisssssssssssssss...sum1 else recover my broken heart........................

U used to be the reason behind my laughter n happiness..

Now your the reason behind my saddness...

Getting tired of fighting these tears, i wish you were here to hold me and make all this pain go away

it's Hard To Let Go Of Something That Was Never Really Yours

Why destiny allowed some people to meet when there's no way for them to be together!

I'll be just fine, pretending i'm not

Sunday, 7 August 2011

my biras...till when???huhu

a little bit bored today..so i make a dcision to write about..my biras...
kekekee..thought u must be shy..knowing that i wrote about u..i'll write fully in english..hope..everyone can accept my broken english..huhu..just doing this for practice..as my lctrer always advice me to write more in english..
it's a little bit hard..but i'll try my best..hehe..
this entry is all about NUR ATIKAH ADNAN..
she's my friend actually..but she declared us as biras bcoz of these 2 special guy...guess who??
famous twins in korea..really??i think so...
it's our JUNSU N JUNHO....really two handsome boys..
my biras is really addicted to junsu..i don't know why..what's so special bout him??hahaa
and i just like his brother...an athletic man..not like junsu..just always with his cuteness..keekeke(i'm sure tikah is really mad now)never mind..hahaha
still i could remember..during my form 1 in scondry school..i didn't know this girl(my biras)
i've never talk to her..if we meet..i don't know her name either...haha
but..when i was in f2..i know her name..until i reach f3..we just have a talk for a while...
franky speaking...in 3 years during high school,,she's not the person  that i really close to...
but our sweet memories..it's all started during i was in f4...

did u remember when i become your partner in class??
with nur hasbie at the middle..hhehe
if we're sleepy..we just replying paper to each other..talk about our future husband..hehehehe.i really miss that moment!!!
during your stay at my house...about the "kerengga"...
it's funny right??how dare could u laugh at me???
till now i didn't dare to play under the tree again..haha

and the most memorable memory is when we went 4 a trip to kl..
for ASAT..it's all thanks to you..huhu
being together at the hotel...i wake up early in the morning..with sexy voice..i sang cheongmal gaseumi ottoke dwaenbwa,,,,u must  really miss my voice right?huhu..and u make a call to SME then a husky voice of a man answered..how shock we're at that time..we really njoy our time there..how i wish..to have that memory again..and u even snap a candid photo of mine when i was sleeping...still kept the pics??delete it..hahaha,,and we're xcited when we meet a guy that is really looks like lee minho!!gorgeous!!hehehe

there's so many things we did together,,,
we struggle for our exam..after prep..going for out tea-time...
sleep in the class together..do our dbsk jacket..
although we're a little bit shy to ask for it at first..huhu..

during form 4 there's so many things..i did together with u..
but during our f5..we separate..i'm a little bit dissapointed at first,,
but at least we still keep talk to each other..although it's not like in our f4..
i just keep wondering know..how long we'll be contacting eaxh other??
bcoz..one day..all ao us will b very busy..i'll keep ur mms...
really miss to have those mms again..waa~~~how i miss last year moment!!!
it's hard to find a friend as good as you..
we keep sharing our secrets...and u're truly like my real biras..huhu
'now..we're in our own path...doing our work..
busy with our hectic life,,,
but for me..i'll never forget those precious moments we had..
sometimes it was bad and good...
memory..we can't replay it..but just keep remember those times....
one day..hope we'll able to make such special moments again..i'm really hoping for it..
although..i'm sure..it'll take a long time..for us..to be together..
like those moments~~~

we'll return home (SEOUL) together..right???heheehehe...

u're not a kind a person that like to snap pics..so it's kinda hard to get a picture tgther with u...
really miss this uniform rite???hhuhuhuu

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

during ramadhan..i'm truly missing my high school friends!!!

today..3rd ramdhan...3rd day i'm fasting in a new place..with a new life....
i've never imagined to be here..in IpG..
but..the truth is..i'm here now...this is my choice...
it's my first time fasting without my bestiest friends..high school friends...i really miss all of u...
i teared a lot..bcoz of our memories...
and bcoz of ramadhan..i kept flashback our memories,,,,
nik nurul najihah..nur amirah..farah hanan..hafsah ismail....
ahh~~~i want to break fast with all of u again!!last year memories..in d'mas...
i will never forget it..we struggle together to  get best results...
how's your life now..friend???
did u remember the moment we pushing each other to get food??
buy many types of drinks and share to each other???
nik nurul najihah take the form 2 student's place??althiugh we didn't book the place yet..(really act as a senior..kekekkee)
and my brother bought foods then a cat stole it...haha
it was our trial time..and we're really study hard...
every moments..second..with books..
we go for our terawih together..how i wish to be with your guys again...sob3..:(
and then..studying together after terawih..chit chat to each other..and eat a lot..the leftover food...
time we spent for study?what should i say??just a little bit..hahahaha
and make noise at d'mas..nik nurul najihah as the leader..hehehe...
nur amirah..still remenber that we study history together??
my tears keep falling down..i don't want to keep remeber these moments..but i can't...
it's hard to find such joyful,,full sense of humour...sporting..friends like all of you...
i'm a little bit regret..bcoz.. i didn't appreciate our tyme together...
and now..all of us..had been in our own path..gud luck friend!!!in everything you do....

peace!!! 5 uh!!!miss all of u!!!

we're bff!!!snap pic bfore prep class...huhu

pose maut!!!xstadi pun tyme ni..hahahah

Monday, 25 July 2011

my life in IPG!!

dah lama agaknye xupdte blog..since dftr kt ipg..ni bru trgrak hti nk updte blog..huhu
just want to share my exprience in IPG..since i'm doing TESL progrmme..so i should write in english..that's what my lctrer said..huhu...
when i was dciding to make a dcision..to b in IPG..act..it's quite hard 4 me..
since i was small..my ambtion..is i want to b a doctor..never in my mind to b a teacher...
i never had the will like that..and now..i've to accept this..but..this is is also  my choice..since i'm in form 5..i'm just hoping to be able to join TESL programme or doing pharmacists...but seems i didn't do well in my SPM...i just take this path...
and what i what to say..
GOD had arranged everything for me..GOD gave me best chances,,,
thanks to my mom..for always advising me to enter IPG..
and u know what..life in IPG is much better in universities...
maybe the facilities are not as good and excllnt as the unvrsties..but the lcturer here..
really teach well..i often heard that..my friends always having prblems in their lessons as the lcturers are too fast teaching..but luckily..here..i'm not facing this problem..i can undrstand all the sbjects properly..
here..i learn to be more confident..bcoz in school..i tend to be a shy person..huhu..
i have all good friends here..doing well in TESL 1 class..i'm very thankful to have such supportive friends..thanks GOD for making my life easier...
and i hope in 5 years onwards..we'll get really close to each other..since we'll be tgther  for 5 years.,.(i can't imagine that..it's such a long time)....

love you all!!!


Friday, 27 May 2011

i'm still at home..quite bored!!

2.3 hri lgi kwn2 smua nk dftrkn dri kt U msing2..tp ak??
twran U pm xdpt..haha..just being at home..
waiting for 20 june..still many days to go...
i must use the time wisely..wtching k-dramas for the last..
keep updting about my kpop..haha
yg pling mydihkn..lpas ni xde la kwn2 yg updte blog..skrg ni pm dh mkin brkrgn..huhu
smua org dh bwa haluan msing2..tpi atleast kt USIM,UIA,UM n UITM..
still rmai bdak2 naim kt c2..xdela jdi kseargn sgt..tp ak..i'm ALONE!!!
xde kwn yg bleh dbuat geng..xbleh dbygkn mcm mna hdup dtmpt bru dgn kseorgn..
hope to have many good friends...
sgt2 mrndui high school time,,,
tpi mmg msa tdk bleh diundur..hny kekal smua kngan mnis dlm ingatn..cewahh!!!HAHAHA
tpi nsib baikla tmpt yg ak dpt 2..mmg dkt dgn rumah..whahaha
xperlu ak rsa homesick sgt..mybe stiap kli weekend ak blik..tk pun g jln2 kt pntai..waa~~
mrasa angin pntai la spnjg kt ipg 2..hope2 xburnla muka ak..*versi koya..haha
GOOD LUCK too all my friends in new place!!
this is only the bginning of our journey!!
i have to struggle..to get a chance to oversea..hope i can!!!
IPG DATO' RAZALI ISMAIL...here i come!!!haha
n kpda kwan2 yg nk ke KL 2..kalau korang gna jlan pntai kt trgnu..msti prnah trtgk ipg ni..
nati blehla dtg mlwat saya yer..hahahaa

Friday, 6 May 2011

IPTA doesn't accept me..^..^

6mei 2011..hari yg ak nanti2 kan nk dpt kptusan tntg ipta...
countdown pkul 12.oo tgh hari..dgn line yg bz..ak sbr menunnggu
dgn hrapan dpt twrn.
n then line pom xbrape bz..msuk ic n cek...haha
heartattack la jgk tyme bkak 2..tgk2 prkataan ni yg kluar..huhuhu


Dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa anda TIDAK BERJAYA
dalam permohonan kemasukan ke IPTA bagi Sesi Akademik 2011/2012

wah..jrg2 org yg dpt perkataan mcm ni..tp ak trima je..coz it's my mistake..
dgn result yg low gler..ak ada hati apply for sains and medic..and dalam choice ak 2.xde pom kjuruteraan,,law..or sains kompter,,sparuh drpda choice ak ialah UIA..and smuanya kos medic and sns hyat..so,,no wonder ak xdpt..coz stkt ni ak xjmpa lgi org yg dpt medic kt uia..kt usim pom ak apply..medic jgak..hahaha..
how i arrogant i was!!so i deserve to get all this!
never mind..tp tipula kalau ak ckap yg ak xcdih..
kdg2 malu jgk..bila org tny..dpt u mana?nk jwab ape?snyp jer..ckap xdpt.hak3
kt fb pom..ak tlong bca komen kwn2 je..huhuhu
everyone is busy discussing about their plans in uni..
but for me??just preparing for matrik...
ak trima smua yg allah ttapkan utk ak..mgkin allah nk mguji ak..
smakin byk ak diuji..mnandakan allah syg kpadaku..hanya ayt ini yg dpt mnenangkan ak..dan ak msih mgharapkan yg trbaik utk dri ak pda msa hdpan.
bkan ak sorg je xdpt twrn ni..even kazen ak yg 7a pm xdpt mane2..mybe dia buat choice yg sama mcm ak..i'll redeem my mistake in matrik,,,
tp kalau dpt mktb..mmg impian ke mtrik 2 lbur mcm 2 je..
i hope to get ipg..that's my priority...
wpom ak agk kcewa mnerima smua ini....tp dlm al-quran ada mgatakan

boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu,,dan boleh juga kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu.ALLAH mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui

and to forget..gud luck to all my friends yg dpt twaran....do your best in uni!!!
all the best everyone!!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

how i wish to fly to KOREA..

blan januari lpas..a.byond ader buat kontes..sal cter athena..soxln pom bkannyer pyh sgt...
so..ak ambil pluang msk kontes 2...
mmgla possibility nk mnang 2..0.001% je kot..huhuhu
yg mmbuatkan ak truja nk msuk...hdiah yg dtwarkan...
tket ke KOREA utk 2 org..wah!!!mleleh air liur..huhuk
dhla skali ngan pginapan..trip utk jln2 dan juga klas blajar bhsa korea..waa~~beznyer...
dan kptusannyer akn diumumkan 15mei ni..
ak xderla brharap sgt..kalau ader rzeki dapat..
brtuah gler sapa yg mng 2..huhu
ak mnantikan offer dri aunt ak..
hri 2 dia ade ckap nk pergi korea..tp mmandangkan dia still bz skrang ni..xsmpat nk urskan,,
skrang ni hnya mnyimpan angan2 je la..sblum tdo..dk trmimpi2 brada di korea.jeju island..lotte world..places that i want to go most..dhla hri 2 jles tgk kwn abg ak prgi korea..
dhla 3 blan...wow!!
lgpom 2010-2012 is visit KOREA year..
there'll be many promotions..jjang!!
how i wish to go to my bias hometown..hahaha

really want to meet the ambassador of korea tourism..2pm!!!

fly to seoul!!boom,,,boom...boom..really like their songs!!
seoul~~~wait for me...

Saturday, 30 April 2011

i just can't stop being a kpop lover..mpop??no!!

erm,,cptnyer msa bralu..tup2 dh blan 5..xrase apa2 pom tyme blan 4..
xlama lagi nk smbung bljr dh..misznyer nk bkok bku..ceewaah!!ayt koa..haha
cuti lama2 ni buatkan koleksi oppa2 kpop ku brtmbh..
ade aje grup yg bru dbut..n stiap kali 2 la..ader yg ak brkenan di hati..
esp.boyband..yg girlgrup gliran abg ak..
addicted sgt pakcik 2..huhuhu
n utk post ak yg kali neh..nk knalkan oppa2 ku yg trbru..hahaha
actually ak trtrik dgn boyband yg teror dance,,,
and mg xdnafikan  kpop boyband skrang teror gler dance..
brbaloi la dgn btapa lmanya msa yg diorg ambik utk debut..huhuhu
i wish to have a prince chrming like them..huhuhu
jealous seeing will and kate weding yesterday..
if a commoner can married to a prince..
it's not impossible 4 me to have my bias..hahaha
just dream it..huk3
 here is my jaehyo..

he was supposed to be in b2st..but block b is also great!!!

and this is taefung...leeteuk look alike...

someone from thai..i like his smile..didn't remember his name..hahak.
with my maknae dongwoon.both handsome guys..huhu

anyone who you're interested???hahha

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

i'm relief..there's no interviews anymore..huhuhu

this month..a busy month for me..and here i would like to share about my experience going to 2 interviews..act..i hate interviews..huhuhu

i should tell this in malay..hahak..
16 april..ak pergi ke uitm machang 4 tesl..
pegi pnyala awl..tpati maser la knonnya..tp hampeh..lma gla trpksa tggu..coz sesi pgi utk intrview 2 hbis lwat sgt,,,dgn sbr mnunggu..
smpaila dlm pkul 2 tu..dpggil masuk utk ujian brtulis...
mak ooi..dhla mnunggu lama..kt dlm blik 2 nk tggu dpt krts soxln pom tggu 1jam..
wktu ptg..biasala org ngantuk..mjur ak xtrus tido kt situ..cover2 dpn bdak laki yg smuanya nmpak skema tramat..dgn kemeja and tie.mglhkan bpak bdak..whahaha
and akhirnya dpt jgk krts soxln yg dtggu2..huhuhu
glax..trpinga2 ak bca soxln.igt ak ni bdk traf u ke??reading cmprhnsion mcbr gler..xpenah lgi ak jwb soxln xam bi spyh 2..tp xpe..sbb objktif.ak main bdal je..mso stgh jam je utk part 2..ssah gler nk fhm cmprhnsion 2..and part yg pling ak suka..writing essay..cti lama..dh lama xmgrg esei..hahak.tlis je apa yg nk dtlis..tmbh2 tjuk social netwrking..sukela i..huhuhu
tmat smua 2..gliran utk intrview face 2 face plak..stat pkul 4.30..dh agk dh..msti hbis lmbt.turn no 24..wah!!sbr mnunggu..tgk2..smpaila pkul 8mlm bru turn ak..glak.ak rser ltih 1 bdn sharian di uitm..huk3.tp xpe..once in a life tyme je..n luckily intrviewers 2 xtny byk.ak pkai bedal je jwb aper.aslkn nmpk konfiden..huhuhu

and hari ni..26 april..ak dtemuduga skali lgi..
utk tesl ipg..brbelit2 dh rser lidah..dk spikim je..huhuhu
bru rser nk cuci mta pergi kt intrview..tp xde sorg pom cowok2 yg brkenan dihati..hahak
mjurla yg mktb pny tdk mmbuat onar mcm uitm..smuanya bres..
jwb soxln insak pnyala byk..tp sng je..ikt naluri kiter..
pastu dteruskn ngan grouping..nsib baek grup ak 2 snyp2 je..
so dptla mnonjolkan dri sket..hahahhaha
and tjuk yg dberi pom okay.sal ur tcher dat u admire..
ak cter sal tchr nadhi..since ak plg rpt ngan dia..n jdi gm bi..
bykla sket modal utk dbrthu..huhuhu
tnpa dsgka2..dgn rileksnyer ak mnunggu diluar blik..ps2 bnyi loceng..trpinga2 jap..loceng blik mna 2??huhuhu
ps2 tiba2 nmpak intrviewer 2 bgn..
hahak..trus i msuk..bru trprsan ak org 1st..msuk je
ttba dia tny bujang lg ke?wah!!xde soxln lain ke..ayt nk wt kecek..haahha
n lpas 2 byk tny hal personal...nsib baik
and sal kokurikulm..trgagap2 jgk nk jwb..xbyk idea sgt,,
tp nsib baikla intrviewr 2 spotim.kalau ygblik sbelah pnyala grang..huhu
n lpas kedua2 intrview ni..hdupku kmbli tng..n hope to get good results for both intrviews..insyaallah!!!

Thursday, 31 March 2011

special dedicated to my friend!!!

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of the night in June
I Didn't know much of love, but it came too soon
And There was me and you, and then it got real blue
Stay at home talkin' on the telephone and
We would get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, from whatever
We will still be, friends forever

So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money
When we look back now, will that joke still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly


Wednesday, 23 March 2011

SPM!!! it's too hard for me to accept this!!

setelah sekian lama..akhirnya..ak m'updte' jgak blog yg xsberapa ini...
23 MAC 2011..........
tarikh yg xmgkin ak lupakan sepanjang hidup ak...
hari yg benar2 mgjr ak erti kggalan..
slama ini..ALLAH telah mmberikan ak kjayaan dlm PMR dan UPSR..
kali ini ALLAh ingin mguji ak..
ak tau ALLAH msih ingin mndgr suara ak mminta prtlgan trhdpnya..
ak redho dgn semua ini..wpom phit utk ak tempuhi..
spnjg hari ak mngis..hmpir kring air mata ak..
brtmbh bgkak mata.dan ak msih blum dpt mghntikan tgisan ini...

1 perkara yg pling ak kcwakn...
mbuatkn air mata ak slalu mnitis mgingtkn prkara ini..
kwan2 ak...pstinya smua mmeluk ibu mreka slepas mgethui kptsan..
xkira..rsults itu baik atau teruk...
yg pling diinginkan adlh..plukan dan pjukn dri seorg ibu..
ak tdak mndapt smua itu...
lyanan mama trhdap ak lagi mnmbh kdukaan..
xboleh ke mama bgi drongan pada ak??
dan bukan mnunjukkan muka yg ak xsnangi..
tiada snyuman pun dri mama,,
dan ini benar2 memeritkan
ak prlukan drongan mama...
utk terus kuat hadapi semua ini...
smasa ak mnulis blog ini..ak msih mntiskan air mta...
tdk than dgn lynan mama..dan ak pndam semua ini seorang diri..
i'm such an useless kid!!!
it's all my fault..all my effort is not good enough..
but actually..i'm not a clever person like others.
and SPM is not the ending for me...
i've to built my confidence again..be strong..nadhira!!
you're determined!!!
there's still a long journey out there!!!
i will struggle 4 da next episodes in my life...
and although..there's no one beside me..
but still..ALLAH is always by my side..
thanks GOD..
i'll never lose hope to ALLAH>>
because He knows everything...

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

day by day..i'm getting nervous

its going to be half of march..next week!!
and i was going like..dead-meat..hahahaha
and today i got an offer from masterskill..
all offer i've got..it's all for nursing..
i wish that i can get to further studies in pharmacist..
hope my result will be xcellent..
and here.there's pic of my niece..she's growing well..
can't wait to play with her...so naughty!!!huk3

she is able to laugh..huhuhu

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

my first niece..

the one that everyone in my family waiting for..
a cute baby girl was born..
seems that i've been an aunt..
but it was a little hard to t8 care of this little girl..she's active!
tpi lama2..dh tdo byk..bdak ni ska sgt bkak mata..
tapi mata di bersinar2..n dah pndai snyum wpom bru msk 3 hari
mnum susu byk..nangis pom byk..
dhla demand..xnk tdo kalau xde org dkung smbil brdiri..
tpi nk buat mcm mna..she's just a baby..
dan spnjg klhirannya..ak mnjdi bbik scra xrsmi..never mind..huhu
hope she will grow up as a cute little girl..as nice as her name..


Friday, 25 February 2011

kpop artists like to do these??

hahaha..notim want 2 share here,,,juz i'm a little bit surprise to see this idol picture..huhu..
does real idol really like to take pics like this??
tyme ak kt skol dlu..still igt la bdak2 ni ska sgt ambk gmbr mcm ni..po katok gomok ak kelih..ghah said..
mmg trigt gler kta2 dia..hak3..act slalu jgk ktawakn bdak2 yg suka ambik gmbr cmtu..siap kutuk lagi..hak5..tapi xper dh mntak maaf.hahaha..skrang misz plak nk tgk sep2 naim ambl gmbr g2..ktorg ktuk2 pom at least tiru jgak..tp xskiut sep2 yg pndai buat la..at last hmpir smua gmbr cmtu..and semua ddlete..hahaha..lcu gk trigt bnda2 cmni bla tgk gmbr yoseob yg kiut ni..

tpi yoseob ni..buat mka mcm mna pom still kiut..kalau x dh xjdi idol la..
tp mmg sbjik la ngan fsyen yg biasa sep2 naim buat..hak3..
i'm surprise lol!!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

3 things most anticipated

this month......amt mndbarkn..huhu
mula2 psal result.tba2 dtg dri mn mitos rsult kluar awl..mmg trsbar luas la..huhu
yg lcu lgi..ad org ckp ari kmis..esokla..xlogik la..dlm brita pom xbgtau apa2 pom..huhu
2nd.............arghh can't wait to have first niece..my sis in-law..xbrslin lgi..wpom dh lpas trikh due..sbr mnanti..hak3..
and the 3rd..my so beast!!
another 1 week to wait..dont know how to hide that things from my parents..ahh..in trouble!!!duwajuseyo..hope my parents won't notice it

so..beast!! oh yeah!!

Monday, 21 February 2011

because of DREAM HIGH..

fuh!! 2 hari dh xmnlis..hak3..mcmla slma ni byk sgt tlis..bru nk stat brblogging jer,,huhu..nway..i didn't use full english anymore..huk3..neva mind..
        Ari ni tba2 je dpt idea nk tlis sal cter korea ni..act bknnyer tntg cter ni sgt pom..tp dsbbkn drama korea yg tgh hot ni la..n ak ykin rmai sgt trgila2 kan drama ni skrang..dtmbh dgn plakon2 yg kiut miut n fmes..n taleneted!!..dan juga dsebbkn cter ni..ak..my bro n sist..tba2 bkrjsma..co-opertion la ktakan..hak3..
for all this while..pdhl xpenah ktorang buat mcm ni..lcu pom ader..mmg bkrjsma dgn baik la...
 Act..apa yg ak mksudkan adlh..ktorg sama2 brpkt download cter ni..siap berbgi2 epsd lagi..ak xsgka la pulak abg ak yg umonya dh pm agk tua and sooner will bcome a fther..pom mmg brsgguh2 dload cter ni..diala yg plg byk download..hahaha..pdn muka..sbb ak dh tgk cter ni kt kbs..tp my bro n sist mnala smpt tgk..diorg bknnya pggur mcm ak..huhu
   Mmg dh jdi trdisi dlm fmily ak..sep2 ska mdload..untg jgk xperlu ak dload byk2..abg ak pulak mula tertrik dgn cter ni coz dia ni one of kpop fans..esp..girl group..tmbh2 bla tgk suzy miss A blkon..lgila spirit mamat ni nk tgk..dia ni actually pmlas nk dload cter korea..alsannya saiz bsar..dia mnat dload sries english..tp dload je..xsmpat pom tgk..huhuhu
 my sist pulak mmg k-drma fan..tpi dio pm biasanyer mlas nk dload..tp kali ni mmg rjin gler..ak dload 4 epsd je..slebihnyer diorang la..sbb ak nmpk ksgguhan diorang mmg k tgk sgt2 cter ni..my sist mnat gler 2pm..tmbh2 wooyoung yg blakon cter ni..pdhal dia 2 bkal ustzh..tp kalau bab2 korea..diala no.1.smua ambil tahu..
n hari ni pom ak sgup tggu brjam2 nk dload drimhigh ni..dhla line intnet problem..nk cmpk je rser broadbnd..hahaha.tp luckily i've succeeded download..tggu dgn sbr nk siap 800mb..fuh!!mcbr ksbran btol..
    Akhirnyer brjya jgkla ktorg dload cter ni..n now tggu epsd 14-16 utk rlease..tp bilala boleh kmpul smua episod 2..tggu diorang blik..1org di srwak..1 org d KL..n ak??hak3..tpi kalau korng ader sblings yg sma mnat mcm korang best tau..bleh share..
n tanx to this drma..mybro tba2 mndgr kta ak..huhu
dh pnjg lebar ni..tyme tgk tv plop.ader msa kgsi bnda laen pulak..salam